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Sunday, February 11, 2007

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Estatic Fear之A Sombre Dance专辑歌词


Estatic Fear之A Sombre Dance专辑歌词

Intro 歌词

Chapter I 歌词
The feeble leafs decline,
Enshrined in downing deep
The mourn abandoned plains,
Laid down in sombre sleep
Misty shades engulf the sky
Like past, worn memories
The bird's song fills the whispering breeze
With autumns melody

The lunar pale grim shape
At evening's sight renews
It's silented wail relieves
Repressed thoughts anew
I hear the lonesome choir
Of fortunes past my way
Disdained in fiery weeps
Throughout my every day
These skies I hail and treasure thee,
Most pleasant misery
Not pittes thorn I shelter thine
Mysterious harmony

Draw on most pleasant night
Shade my lorn exposed sight
For my grief's when shadows told
Shall be eased in mist enfold
Why should the foolish's hope
Thy unborn passioned cry
Exhaust unheard
Beneath this pleasent sky?
For if the dusking day declined
Could delight be far behind?

Chapter II 歌词
Sengi amoris
A mere passions fraud disgraced and to disgrace,
In pacis quentis,
With bewitched charm seduced my every days

Begone my burdened past, wont's these treasured
Dreams be freed from your bounds at last?
Tvemor inogeng
Makes the truth dilute the mirrage last
Osculum pudens
Makes my shattered present caught
My buried past lured into my angers bed
I pured my raging lust
And touched these fairy eyes instead

Chapter III 歌词
Eil mein gramgebeugt Klagelied
Klim empor entiflieh der Brust die dich gebo ren.
Am Cage wohlverwahrt
Dem Craumer offenbart
Ward deinem Klang,
des Herzens Kenntis gtets verwehrt
Magst dereingst kugh gereift
Dem Geist der leis begreift
Mit holdem Drang der Seele Wagh entziegn

Chapter IV 歌词
The leafs and I entangled dance a harmonie
I dare not stain with vain delight
And thus embraced we roam the passing eve like a
pillgrim who craves a shelters guiding light
I question thee, beloved night to calm my joy
so that I not like the weary leaves be strewed
For I submitt to thy solitary grace (as) even springs
life is by winters gaze subdued

Lost in a dream I beheld a maiden dance
And when she sat down by a sliver stream
Plunging her feet in the shallow waves
A mist descended, kissed her and fled
And all that's before been just and fair
Shattered in a rain of crystal shards
Each of them a cry, a dream, a tear

Nunquam submergiove aut diffugo
Ira inflammata mea vita ad salutem nominarit
Et solitudo meurn robur

Everlasting be the war that I declare
Extinguished thy bewitched spark despair
Torched the pile upon which you
Are gathered (still) poisoning my weary heart

And as the forked fires tongue licks high I won't
lament thy fall
But dance around the burning branches urged by furys
And I again shall not be humble slaves but king to thee

Dreams on the barren field did lay strewed
Spread their wings rise up with solemn hope imbued
Ascend the stary stairs into a plain but dear refuge.

Chapter V 歌词
Many a weary night endured
Since the utter charm of joy has pured
My unquiet dreams, my misery
How sweat if I could share with thee
Unable to endure it's smile
Which kindly eased my sombre veil
I frightened turned my burdened head
And hid in slumbers shade instead

But lifted from my mournful rest
Was I by thee nocturnal guest
When though did vow to suffocate
My tranquil dreams in thrones bed
You spoke to me with loathed glow
And thus have though not kept thy vow
For when thy shadow sprang on me
I closed my eyes in ecstasy

Chapter VI 歌词
Unveil yours eyes, see the special moon gone
Leaving not a single ray of joy to rest upon
Feast on those that crave thy kiss with a ghastly wail
Behold them cry as their faces innocence grows pale
Tempt them into approaching your obscure neglect
Until on your detesting laugh their hopes get wrecked
Praise this rage and the only eyes will see
Thy love abandoned mirrors image, thy only company

Chapter VII 歌词
As the stars like ludicrous fauns,
Join the grim reapers dionystic glance
We step forward together with the pale withered spring
And join the pipings of their sombre dance

Chapter VIII 歌词

Chapter IX 歌词
The Dawn arose, the slumbers shadows have passed
The autumnal grace which so kindly has cast
It's sombre yet gracious delight on my grief
Enshrouded and lulled by the winters far deeper relief

As weary my days will grow from leisure apart
I shall wait for your powers renewed
I pray to whatever there be
"Let be my heard by your tenderness again imbued."

Cura a die renovato cedit
Dolor et laetitia conjungtus est

Delightful shade was all that I dared hope for
Thy silent charm alone remains to adore.

